I was born with asthma and over the years it has gotten worse and then better. During this period of time it was bad. I was on oxygen 24-7 and so ill they thought I would die. But that thought never entered my head as the Lord had always been there to hold my hand in all situations in my life. Then I hurt my back while in the hospital and then had a serious heart problem. In June of '95 they found cancer of the uterus and I refused treatment knowing that when I got out of this situation I would take care of it. I started walking behind my wheelchair, with tears running down my face, I kept walking. I told all who would listen that I would walk out of the hospital. They just smiled. The heart specialist said I would have to live getting up five minutes, three times a day and sit by my bed. That I did not do. I was up all the time. You see, Jesus and I had a job to do and it could not be done sitting in bed. Time passed. I was there 10 months. And, when I left the hospital, I left my wheel chair at the front door. Before I left, the Head of Staff said I should go at once to have the cancer treated as it was Stage 4. But when I would sit in the chair I would envision little alligators eating away the thing Satan put there to endanger my health. I went to University Hospital, in Cleveland, Ohio, when I left the hospital in Florida. There I was told also my back was fractured in 3 places. No wonder the pain was bad. ;-) The lungs got better and the doctor who works at McDonald's Women's Hospital took a test and bio and the cancer was gone. They gave me an echo gram and my heart was fine. I had the hospital records with me from the other hospital and so they all were amazed. But in my heart of hearts I knew only Jesus could take care of me. The doctors now still say I should be on oxygen but I feel fine and so I do not use it. I walk slowly and am not able to do some things, like lifting 25 pounds ;-) but I can do all things through my beloved Savior who strengthens me. All the things the doctors say I could never do, I do, all because Jesus loves me. We must stop depending on man and depend on God. It is the only way to live and survive in this world. The above phase of my life took three years to complete but it is done! And daily, as I go about my life, I know that no matter what happens I have the greatest Physician in the world. Yes, the doctors and all were wonderful -- and so kind -- but they are not God, so they cannot heal and repair as He can. My friends, just believe. With every breath, faith can carry you where no man can and give you a peace which truly, no matter what happens in your life, you are at peace. Put Jesus in every aspect of your life and it will be filled with a joy and peace that you will wonder how you ever managed to live without. There will be problems, and at time bad ones, but He can give you the strength to walk through anything as He is your strength -- when you know that you have the key to unlock the door to happiness and lifelong peace. May this day be filled with all the blessings our beloved Savior has for all of us. Reach out, He is waiting for you. Love and prayers, your sister in Jesus, Gladys
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