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                                                                       ...offering help, hope and prayer.

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Thy testimonies are wonderful;

therefore, my soul observes them.
                                                                                     (Psalms 119:129)

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Read wonderful Living Testimonies of what the Lord has done and about lives changed and prayers answered.

In giving a testimony we bear witness to the power of the Cross. When we share our testimonies we are bringing to life the Word of God -- we are a Living Testament. Sharing our testimonies on-line helps to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and we have no idea where it will end up. It may go through a thousand people to reach that one that the Lord has called. So if you have a testimony you would like to share, please, forward it to me. Even a brief note of what God has done can be of a great encouragement to someone out there!

If you have a testimony of salvation or any other testimony you would like to share...

Please feel free to share your testimony at

or use the form below to enter your testimony.

Living TestimoniesTM


The following Living Testimonies were submitted by readers. New testimonies will be added to the end of the list.

Today's Living Testimony. Read the current issue of Living Testimonies (subscription information below).


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NOTE:  This will search our entire site.

Brenda - Growing up in an orphanage, Brenda shares how Jesus reached out and touched her heart and changed her life. Chip - is a living testimony to the saving grace of God reaching beyond all denominational barriers -- and into the heart of man.
Dee-"On the way to the hospital I drifted in and out of consciousness. At one point before we reached the hospital, I had an experience that is as vivid today as it was the day it happened." Eileen - found her way back to God through the special fellowship of her on-line friends.
Faye Narron - is blessed with a wonderful prayer ministry and testimony. Even through illness, the Lord is her strength and her hope. Fran - was delivered from cigarettes and her husband from alcoholism. The Lord has also healed her cancer and saved her whole family.
Gladys - overcame many physical adversities through the grace and love of the God by faith in Jesus Christ. Holly - Delivered from bi-polar disorder, now Holly has a ministry helping others and tells of her deliverance and provides a link to her bi-polar website.
Louie - "This is the tale of my spiritual birth in Christ, Jesus, who died for me and placed all my sins upon the cross. By His blood, I have been cleansed and set free. I don’t rightly have any idea how to begin to thank HIM for this, of course, the best way to begin is by obeying HIM……..and that is exactly what I am doing." Linda Laine - On a recent trip to Hawaii the Lord teaches that being a woman of virtue is worth more than all the gold in the world.
Marion and Elaine - share how the Lord led them and established them in a new ministry in a nursing home. Mary Adams - shares a testimony of the healing grace of God and the dynamics of intercessory prayer.
SkyAngel2 - Lissa shares her testimony of how the Lord delivered her from demonic oppression, healed her marriage and gave her new life. Sarah - writes of how the Lord came into her life. Also, in a battle with Multiple Sclerosis, she tells of the comfort and encouragement she receives from Him.
Vicki - shares her testimony of how she was finally able to forgive herself for her past through the forgiveness of Christ. Anonymous - From a family in turmoil -- to a family saved by grace...
DStar - "As a Christian it is easy to go about life's routine and ups and downs without realizing if you have ever really been tested. Until your faith comes under such a fire that you cannot breath and you are frozen with fear from it....then you have not been tested. Well, I had my test one day." Jennifer - shares a story that plagues many youth of today. Her testimony bears witness that no matter what your situation is.... Jesus can find you.
Joanne May - A delightful testimony about a family changed and the peace of Christ. Judy Rousseau - From a marriage on the rocks to a marriage on The Rock! An excellent testimony of a restored marriage and the birth of a new ministry.
Kathleen Rasmussen - Are you miserable? Are you looking for something to fill your innermost being that gives you happiness? Read how someone else found happiness - a happiness that was obtained by finding out something about God she never knew before. Mrs. Lynn Cheah - from Singapore, shares her wonderful testimony of healing and the power of prayer around the world.
Michael Stevenson - shares his testimony of his salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit! Rev. Gil Smith - A young man's struggle with his ministerial life turns into a life of blessings.
Ronda - Where have I been? Where am I going? At age 13 I knew everything. I was grown up and I knew what was best for me and nobody could tell me any different. Boy have I learned a lot over the past 20 years! Pamela - pregnant, unmarried and alone - Pamela tells about the mercy of God and His blessings.
Linda Laine - Deliverance from darkness. Growing up Buddhist and being involved in a life of satanism and witchcraft, this is a testimony of how Jesus Christ can reach down into the depths of hell and save the lost. Timothy Abraham - A deeply touching story, not only because of the persecution of Christians taking place today, but mostly because of Timothy's deep devotion and tremendous faith in Jesus Christ.
Kathy - "Although it seems that God has always been present in my life, and He has done many things for me, the time that I remember the best is when he healed me of terror." Marie Dial - Only Doctor Jesus Can Heal A Diseased Spirit!
RosePgtSnd - A most excellent testimony and example of the importance of sharing Christ. God truly does cause ALL things to work together for good! Dawn - "I was shocked that I didn't have to become perfect or clean up my act before I asked Him to take the reigns of my life."
David Ewart - STOP PLAYING WITH SIN! Neilja Harewood - The Day Satan Lost Our Family
Neilja Harewood - How I Came to Know Him! Bill Goundie,
written by Linda Laine
In writing this memorial for my dad... I realized, this is his living testimony.
Norm Rasmussen - What a joy it is to know beyond all shadows of a doubt that there really is a God. Not just to believe there is a God and leave it at that, but to have personally experienced His presence in my room. That was the night my doubts about God and Jesus Christ changed forever! William T.E. Hooper - For almost twenty years I lived under a curse pronounced upon me the day I was excommunicated from the Mormon Church.


Or Send us your testimony:


These testimonies are LIVING TESTIMONIES; therefore, they cannot be bought or sold..... they are for sharing in order to shout to the world that Christ is alive today and to carry the message of salvation and hope through Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

Living TestimoniesTM is a newsletter offered by this ministry and is mailed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. NOTE: This newsletter is temporarily on hold for a few months. Between now and then I will be collecting testimonies SO PLEASE SEND THEM IN and you may still request to be added to the mailing list.

If you would like to be added to the mailing list please write to:

In the SUBJECT line, please type LIVING TESTIMONIES or LT

In the BODY OF THE EMAIL type ADD to be added or DELETE to be removed.


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(as of 11/17/99)

Copyright © 1998-2000 Dosis Ministries. All rights reserved.
January 11, 2000

For God so loved the world ...