A Living Testimony
by Pamela
I am a 34 year old single mother of one 11
year old daughter. I am happy now but it was not always so. I was raised to believe in
Christ but never was made to go to church nor was I kept from it. Church was there if I
chose it, but as a child, other things become more important if not taught from the
beginning that your salvation is more important than anything you could ever imagine.
I was 22 when I became pregnant with my daughter. Unmarried and very alone. I still was
hard hearted and even though my grandmother tried so hard to get me to church I felt
unwanted so I chose not to go. When my daughter was born I was alone and unemployed so you
can imagine the things I had to endure. I felt that I must be punished for something. I
did not understand at the time that God does not punish us we punish ourselves when we do
not follow His plan for us. When we step out of His protection anything can and will
happen to us.
I began to go from relationship to relationship searching for whatever it was I was
missing in my life unaware that it was Christ I needed. It was not until Christmas 2 years
ago when my brother Gerald sent me a book entitled, "Living above your
Circumstances". This book changed my life and I will always cherish it. I don't think
my brother knew at the time that he just won me over to Christ. I guess I just did not
understand a lot of things and the book made sense to me. I began to live differently and
to rely on God for answers not on myself or my friends. I began to put my burdens on His
shoulders and my life began to change. I was single mother living off of $200.00 a week
trying to keep a roof over my child's head. Now I am engaged to a wonderful man and have a
new job making almost twice what I was making and am finally happy. It is hard for me to
say that because I had been in a state of depression for so long it is even hard to deal
with such happiness sometimes. Sometimes I feel very undeserving.
When I decided to let him lead me, my life changed and I know so many people that could
have such happiness in their lives if they would do the same. I learned that delay is not
denial -- pray on. He is not saying NO he is just saying NOT YET!
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