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A Living Testimony
by Dawn

When we moved from Staten Island to upstate NY, my mother began taking us to the local Methodist church. I would go every Sunday and when I got old enough, I joined the youth group. Which to me meant just another way that I could go places and get out of the house! I began helping out in the Sunday school classes and eventually I was teaching a class while I was still in High School. I knew the words to "Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible tells me so" but, those words were just that,, words to a sweet song. I always had a desire in my heart to please God, I watched Oral Roberts when he was on TV, and Billy Graham, I even wrote to both of them, and in turn received literature from them. But, still, Jesus remained a word to me, a story, I think I viewed the bible as a history book perhaps.

So, now, graduated, and off to college! No more church, no more youth meetings. I became the average college student, partying my way through!

(There are many things that I have gone through that I would love to share, however, they are to personal for this forum, but, if anyone would like to contact me, feel free, and on a one on one basis as the Lord leads, I will share.)

Well, marriage, and starting our family with the adoption of Shawn put a concern in my heart to have him go to church. So, we arranged for him to attend a Sunday School, while we used this "free" time to go out for breakfast! It was during a convention we attended for Amway (yes, we were in Amway!) that we attended a non-denominational worship service.

My life was never to be the same after that!

I sat in that Syracuse, NY theater and felt such love and heard about Jesus in a way that I had never heard before! Jesus loved me: Dawn. The next couple of months we began to attend the church we sent our son to, and I began to stop wearing mascara because right from that day in Syracuse I would cry during the whole service. The Lord was healing me, and drawing me closer to Him. I was actually reading the Bible and really understanding it! To me that was awesome as I had many times picked up the Bible and tried to read, but really I didnt understand it. The words were leaping off of the page! Right into my heart!

It was during one of those Sunday mornings that my pastor gave an invitation to come to the alter and ask Jesus to be our personal Saviour. I sat in my seat crying softly, knowing that this was the hour, but, my legs felt like rubber, my bottom felt glued to my chair! Finally, I walked to the front and their in front of God and witnesses I asked Jesus to forgive me of the things I had done wrong, and to please come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour. That I would serve Him instead of doing it my way...

(obviously my way wasn't very successful!)

I wish I could tell you that I saw fireworks that day; that I "fell out" under the power of the Lord; that my whole life changed for the good; that everything was perfect; and that everything was easy after that day!

But, I will tell you this,, I felt CLEAN! An inside clean, a tremendously light feeling. I was shocked that I didn't have to become perfect or clean up my act before I asked Him to take the reigns of my life. And, He did and does forgive of everything! Yes, EVERYTHING. God is not a respector of persons.... He doesn't say:

"Oh, that forgiveness is for Dawn only, not you"

If you are hearing that message right now,,

Call a spade a spade and say out loud

"That is a lie! I can be forgiven and I can be a child of God"

My testimony is not over... that is not the end of the story,, but I am telling you this so, you to, can begin the road to God. All it takes is the knowledge that you cannot do it alone. And the biggest thing that you should know is: God really does love you! After all.. He knows how many hairs are on your head! He created you and has wonderful plans for you.. plans for a future and a hope! That amazes me,, He not only created us, mapped out plans for us individually, but He took the time to count the hairs on our heads!!

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I hope you are encouraged by my sharing and if you haven't asked Jesus to be your Lord,

Do it now! He is waiting for you! He wants to spend time with you!

If you still aren't sure how to do this, just contact me, via email or Instant message and we can do it together!
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January 16, 2000

For God so loved the world ...