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A Living Testimony
by Brenda

When I was 16 years old, I was not a born-again Christian, though I believed in God, Jesus and the whatever was in the bible. I had never accepted him into my heart though. I was in a foster home and I was in deep despair. I was confused and not sure who I was at the time. I cried out to God and I yelled in loud whisper, "Take me.." I reached my hands up to heaven and I felt a hand reach down and literally grip my hands as I cried out to heaven. It was not flesh and blood, but like an energy, It was definitely the grip of hand. I'm not sure if it was an angelic being or Jesus Himself....but it was from God....that I have no doubt. Then I was covered in peace and I was comforted and I went to sleep and slept like a baby.

Brenda in Colorado (



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January 16, 2000

For God so loved the world ...